Trusted by 100+ customers across pan india

Location wise access management.

Location(site) admin can view attendance and OT of his particular department and can manage leaves and exception.

Vendor wise attendance management.

Vendor wise employee registration and attendance management.

Dynamic shift planning.

Based on in time of the employees automatically shift mapping option also as per requirement roaster upload can be done.

Accurate reporting.

Accurate reports for salary with in and out time, total working days and absent.

Using camattendance has proven to be helpful for Construction companies.

Housing and Urban Development Corporation Limited (HUDCO)

The Housing and Urban Development Corporation Limited is a statutory corporation under the ownership of Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India in India.

  • Devices



  • Employees



  • Location


    Multiple City

  • Industry


    Government Organization


Fantastic product with report customization

Godwin Dan, Joint General Manager - HUDCO, India

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fantastic product with report customization capability

support system is good, and we get feedback assistance call from support

Industry standard features

Attendance on the go

Install our app in any android phone and have the flexibility to carry the same at construction sites and get the attendance marked.

Site wise management.

Site admin can create shifts and check attendance of a particular site.

Centralized dashboard.

Central team can monitor productivity on the go with option to view data site wise.

Multiple reports to choose from.

Multiple standard reports to choose from which gives accurate information for attendance and paid days.

Regular activation and deactivation.

Using camattendance admin app and portal we can add new employees anytime anywhere, also if required to restrict access same can be deactivated.

Vendor Management.

Multiple vendors can be onboarded corresponding to one site or multiple site can be done along with total workforce tracking vendorwise.

Site wise shift management.

Site admins can upload roaster for there sites also change shift for individual employees.

Overtime Management

Based on shift mapped to the employees OT can be calculated also multiple rules day wise can be mapped.