Trusted by 100+ companies pan india.

Department wise access management.

Department admin can view attendance and OT of his particular department and can manage leaves and exception.

OT approval process.

Complete module to approve or reject overtime as per department and employee wise.

Dynamic shift planning.

Based on in time of the employees automatically shift mapping option also as per requirement roaster upload can be done.

Accurate reporting.

Accurate reports for salary with in and out time, total working days and absent.

Seamless integration

Salary ready reports with overtime hours and seamless integration with payroll system.

Using camattendance has proven to be helpful for Healthcare companies.

Sir Gangaram hospital

Sir Ganga Ram Hospital has been dedicated to delivering compassionate and excellent healthcare since 1954, since its establishment by the visionary Shri Dharam Vira. With a bed capacity of 576 and 47 specialties, our hospital boasts state-of-the-art laboratories and diagnostic facilities, and over 100 specialty clinics.

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Managing multiple departments with 24*7 shift made easy with camattendance software feature of dynamic shifting. Notifications to employee for short hours, MIS made this application employee friendly.

Shaibal Dutta, Technichal architect, SGRH

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we are so happy with your company and device that we are looking to buy more devices

we were looking for a secure attendance system during covid, and working with you is useful

the installation process was easy and your service support is doing a commendable job

Managing multiple shift and calculating OT accordingly with camattendance is now easy.

Regular activation and deactivation.

Using camattendance admin app and portal we can add new employees anytime anywhere, also if required to restrict access same can be deactivated.

Movement tracking at different sites.

Employees working at different sites can be tracked easily in attendance report as location of punch also reflects with timings.

Vendor Management.

Multiple vendors can be onboarded corresponding to one site or multiple site can be done along with total workforce tracking vendorwise.

Site wise shift management.

Site admins can upload roaster for there sites also change shift for individual employees.

Overtime Management

Based on shift mapped to the employees OT can be calculated also multiple rules day wise can be mapped.

Attendance Policies.

As per company guidelines multiple polices can be created based on shift, wo and holiday.